ArtBox Institute Adds New Instructors
Welcome Alyson Stanfield & Dr. James Burns.
The ArtBox Institute has added several new instructors for the 2016 session of the business training program for artists and creative professionals. ArtBox is expanding to include training with professionals from around the country so that students will have well-rounded and big picture perspective on developing their careers in the arts. Many local presenters continue with ArtBox while the teaching roster expands.
One noted new addition is Alyson Stanfield (pictured, upper right), who founded ArtBizCoach.com in 2002 and is the author of I’d Rather Be in the Studio: The Artist’s No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion. She consults and teaches artists throughout the United States.
ArtBox also has added an artist who can provide a case study of a unique path to success in his art career. Gabriel Temme is a sculptor and puppet maker who worked on feature motion pictures The Boxtrolls and Paranorman. He began his professional career as a tool and die maker for a small manufacturing shop directly out of high school.
Additionally, the ArtBox roster of instructors has added professionals with experience and expertise in helping artists work with galleries and museums. Lauren Rabb is an author of three books, former gallery owner, curator and art historian. Dr. James Burns (pictured, lower right) is the Director of the University of Arizona Museum of Art, and formerly the Executive Director of the Desert Caballeros Museum in Wickenburg, Arizona. Both Rabb and Burns will work with ArtBox students on how to succeed in obtaining gallery representation and working with museums and institutions of fine art throughout the world.
Instructors who have helped to build and strengthen the ArtBox program in its first two years will remain with the program. Most notably the program retains Jenean Merkel Perelstein, consultant and business coach, Tom Alexander, expert photographer of art work, Mary Tolan, writer and educator who teaches writing an artist statement, and website and social media guru, Matt Beaty.
To learn more about these and all the ArtBox instructors, visit our Instructors page.