Grant Opportunity: STEM Education Initiatives
The Arts Council is pleased to announce a new grant opportunity to support STEM education initiatives in Flagstaff.
In spring 2016, the Mayor and Council for the City of Flagstaff voted to approve new funding for STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education initiatives that fit into the larger goals of the Art & Science Fund grant program. These funds are earmarked for initiatives and/or organizations that strengthen Flagstaff STEM education programs for K-12 youth. Services that bring STEM experts into the classroom and into the community are encouraged.
This opportunity is a special, one-time grant opportunity. The Arts Council is dedicated to providing opportunities in arts, science and culture. The Arts Council serves as the granting agency for City of Flagstaff funds including the Bed, Board, and Beverage tax funds allocated to support local arts, science, and cultural organizations and their projects.
Partnerships and collaborations are strongly encouraged for proposals. Proposed initiatives should go beyond a single school or classroom, helping to make K-12 STEM education available to the residents of the greater Flagstaff area. Especially encouraged are efforts that provide or strengthen STEM initiatives in both public and charter schools. Applications that propose services limited to a single school, or a single type of school (for instance, only charter schools), will not be considered.
The Arts Council invites Flagstaff-area non-profit organizations, government entities, school districts, and/or K-12 charter schools to submit proposals for STEM education activities taking place in the immediate Flagstaff area between January 1, 2017, and June 30, 2018. Applicants should be conducting STEM-related activities during most of this time period, rather than producing a single event or isolated program that occurs during the period.
Examples of the kinds of initiatives which may be funded through this process include but areĀ not limited to:
- Community-wide initiatives to bring STEM experts into the classroom in several schools in order to boost K-12 STEM education programs
- Services provided by local organizations that conduct year-round service and programming that supports, strengthens, promotes and/or initiates K-12 STEM education in the classroom and in the community
- Events or programs that provide STEM education outside the classroom to the general public in community venues
- Events or programs that promote the value of K-12 STEM education in the Flagstaff area
It is strongly recommended that applicants contact Arts Council staff before applying to ask if their proposed application is eligible for funding through this grant program.