Arts Council Welcomes New Marketing Director
The Arts Council is pleased to welcome a new member of our team, Marketing Director Sarah Smallwood.
She is returning to the Arts Council, where she served a one-year term as an Americorps member and Marketing Coordinator in 2012-13. She begins work at the Arts Council on August 24, 2016.
Sarah comes to the Arts Council from the Orpheum Theater, where she served as Marketing Director and Co-General Manager for the past three years. Sarah graduated from Keene State College in Keene, New Hampshire with a BFA in Graphic Design. During her previous tenure with the Arts Council, she developed the branding for Arts & Economic Prosperity IV, the economic impact study of the non-profit arts and sciences that was published in summer 2012.
“Sarah is a phenomenal talent,” said John Tannous, Executive Director. “She has a keen eye for art and design, and will help us raise the bar here at the Arts Council. I believe she is poised to accomplish great things in the arts sector.”
Smallwood joins a veteran staff with a great deal of experience and expertise in the arts. In addition to Tannous’s ten years at the Arts Council and twenty years in the arts, Deputy Director Elizabeth Vogler has a decade of experience in the arts and culture industry, working at both the Arts Council and the Arboretum at Flagstaff. Artistic Director Travis Iurato brings a bi-coastal arts perspective, Kris Kosola has been leading theatrical productions for many years, and both Mario Samano and Margaret Langworthy have been with the Arts Council for many years.

left to right: Economic Impact Study Intern Emily Melhorn, Riley Johnson, Graphic Design intern Kathryn Fike, Deputy Director Elizabeth Vogler, Marketing Director Sarah Smallwood, Marketing intern Kitt Mattison, former Marketing Director Malena Grosz