Ballot Measures that Support Arts, Science, and Culture
Creative Flagstaff is proud to share how our local City and County governments support
our mission to foster creative opportunity. Listed below are ballot measures that
support arts, science & culture in Flagstaff and Coconino County:
Proposition 482: This ballot measure will allow Coconino County to spend
revenues it collects to maintain the level of public services it provides. Its
adoption will not increase County taxes.
Coconino County supports Creative Flagstaff through use of the Coconino Center for
the Arts’ facility, and general operating support for programming with County-wide
A vote for Proposition 482 will allow the county to expend revenues already
approved by voters but can’t be spent because of the current expenditure limit.
Proposition 487: A measure referred to the people by the City Council of the City
of Flagstaff to continue the collection of the City Lodging, Restaurant and Lounge
(BBB) Transaction Privilege Tax at the existing rate of 2% for an additional period
commencing on April 1, 2029, through June 30, 2043.
Funding for nonprofit organizations through the Art & Science Fund at Creative Flagstaff
is made possible with funding from the City of Flagstaff BBB Revenues. Grants
allocated by Creative Flagstaff help support Flagstaff’s creative sector, nonprofit
organizations, and arts, science & cultural programs.
A vote for Proposition 487 will support the continuation of the BBB Transaction
Privilege Tax.