Community Meeting for Proposed 2023 City-Wide Festival Set for August 4
Community Meeting for Proposed 2023 City-Wide Festival Set for August 4
Creative Flagstaff tentatively set the dates for the inaugural “Dark Sky Arts & Ideas Festival” (DSAIF) for May 2023.
This important event is for the community and will showcase Flagstaff as a vibrant and collaborative interdisciplinary creative community.
For this event to be a success and to serve the community, we need your input. Please join Creative Flagstaff and committee representatives on August 4 at 6 pm at Coconino Center for the Arts for an in-person community discussion.
CDC and County facility COVID-19 guidelines are being adhered to. While current restrictions are not anticipated to limit likely event attendance, all attendees are asked to RSVP using the form below. Due to internet limitations at Coconino Center for the Arts for live streaming, alternate feedback options are being explored for those that are interested that cannot attend.
Please RSVP using the following form.