FY20 Grant Opportunities Announced
The Flagstaff Arts Council has announced grant opportunities through the Art & Science Fund for non-profit organizations and programs in arts, culture and/or science.
The grants available provide funding during the period beginning July 1, 2019, and ending June 30, 2020.
The deadline to apply for these grants is Friday, March 29, 2019 at 11:30pm. Applications must be submitted online.
Funding for the Art & Science Fund comes from the BBB Revenues from the City of Flagstaff. The tax collects from hotels, restaurants and bars to support five major areas in the community: Parks and Recreation, Tourism, Economic Development and Beautification. 7.5% of the BBB collected revenues is applied to the Art & Science Fund.
Art & Science Fund grants are available to non-profit organizations based in Arizona who provide direct programming and services in arts, culture, and/or science to residents of and visitors to Flagstaff, Arizona. Three types of grants are available for FY20:
General Operating Support (GOS) Grants – non-profit organizations whose mission statement clearly defines them as arts, cultural and/or science-based institutions are eligible to apply for this funding which supports operations and programming.
Project Support Grants – non-profit organizations, and departments and schools within post-secondary education institutions, can apply for funding for arts, cultural or science-based projects that take place in the greater Flagstaff area.

Since 2002, the Flagstaff Arts Council has been the designated local arts agency for the City of Flagstaff. A written agreement between the parties tasks the Arts Council with leadership in art and science, and strategic investment of the Art & Science Fund in local non-profits that serve the community. The Arts Council has invested over $5,000,000 into public programs during that time.
Some of the recent years’ previous grant awards can be viewed on the Arts Council website. Funding has supported new initiatives – such as Dark Sky Aerial’s production of TILT (pictured) – as well as long-standing Flagstaff institutions such as the Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra, Lowell Observatory and Museum of Northern Arizona.
For more information about the Art & Science Fund, visit the grant section of this website.