State of Arizona Increases Investment in the Arts
On July 6, 2016, the Arizona Commission on the Arts announced 239 grants to Arizona nonprofit arts organizations, local arts agencies, schools and community organizations.
In total, the competitive grant review process for fiscal year 2017 (July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017) resulted in an aggregate investment of $2,266,000, and represents a more than 100% increase to total funding awarded during last year’s first grantmaking cycle.
Nineteen grants to arts non-profit organizations in Coconino County totaled $192,500. This compares with $132,000 in FY16 and $98,000 in FY15. Funded agencies in Flagstaff include the Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra, Theatrikos Theatre Company, Canyon Movement Company, and many others, including the Arts Council.
The increased investment in arts organizations, festivals and community-based programs was made possible through a one-time $1.5 million allocation in the state’s fiscal year 2017 budget to the Arizona Commission on the Arts. This additional funding, derived from interest accrued on the State’s Rainy-Day Fund, will bolster further grantmaking throughout the coming fiscal year as well as programs and services that contribute to the growth and stabilization of Arizona’s arts sector, enhance student learning, nurture artists’ creative and professional development, and preserve the rich traditions of Arizona communities.
This increase, coupled with the increased investment in the arts and sciences from the City of Flagstaff, help the arts sector begin to rise above the ashes of the Great Recession.
To learn more and see a full list of funded agencies around the state, visit the website of the Arizona Commission on the Arts.