Tony Freeman, Returns as Title Sponsor of ArtWalk FLG
Friday, June 4, 2021, marked the return of First Friday ArtWalk, the first regular in-person ArtWalk event since the beginning of the pandemic.
Attorney Tony Freeman’s Nature Exposed Photography continues as Title Sponsor for the popular event. Nature Exposed first became Title Sponsor of ArtWalk in early 2020, immediately preceding the pandemic. Tony generously maintained the sponsorship despite significantly less visibility for his business. His continued sponsorship supported Flagstaff Arts Council as it worked to secure emergency funding for local nonprofits and as it adapted to significant reduction in normal revenues, especially at Coconino Center for the Arts.
With the return of ArtWalk is new branding and signage and a new website, artwalkflg.org.
Tony, Flagstaff Arts Council, and Flagstaff Downtown Business Alliance look forward to the safe and steady return of First Friday ArtWalk.
If you are a business or an artist looking to participate in ArtWalk, please explore the information available on the ArtWalk FLG website.