Attention Flagstaff’s Arts & Culture Community: Stakeholder Meeting on city-wide Festival Concept
Please join us on May 5th in the main gallery of Coconino Center for the Arts
The steering committee of the city’s Dark Sky Arts and Ideas Festival (working title) along with hired consultants from Canary Studio will present on a proposed concept and potential naming for the city-wide festival.
As stakeholders, we want your input and feedback on festival branding, your needs for participation, and feedback on the proposed concept. Your input is important as we move forward with festival planning.
We’ll have pizza and drinks for attendees!
When: Thursday, May 5th 5:30pm-7:00pm
Where: Coconino Center for the Arts (Main Gallery) 2300 N Fort Valley Rd, Flagstaff AZ 86002
Contact: April O’Meara, Development Director – Creative Flagstaff 928-779-7197
Please note that if you’re unable to attend in person and would like to join via Zoom, please email April O’Meara at aomeara@creativeflagstaff.org for the link and information on participating.